Exploring Egypt 1980

These images are from my first trip overseas when I was 27. Ancient Egypt fascinated me since childhood, so when I won a roundtrip airline ticket to anywhere in the world of my choice in 1980, Cairo was the immediate choice. None of my friends were able to go with me, so I went with a tour group. I recently discovered my slides were deteriorating so I finally scanned them.

My Photo
Location: Alexandria, Virginia, United States

Former Californian and Peace Corps Volunteer (Togo 1996-98). Weapon of choice: Canon Powershot A410. My occasionally updated blog is at http://roadtoveracruz.wordpress.com and another occasionally updated blog about my two-year stay in an African village is at http://handfulofmemories.wordpress.com

Thursday, February 09, 2006


I've scanned only a small amount of the temples and ruins. This is a small portion of the Avenue of the Sphinxes at Karnak. At one time the Avenue was over a mile long, lined with ram-headed sphinxes on both sides.

In the temple at Luxor, the hypostyle hall is an area filled with columns. Each column is about 90 feet tall and about 30 feet in diameter. They are completely covered with carvings.

Detail of a lotus capital on a column at the temple of Isis, near Aswan.


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